Sunday, July 29, 2018

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

By:  in minnowuprising •  12 hours ago

People think that you have to move mountains to change the world, but that couldn't be further from the truth. It is actually all the small things that really end up making a big difference in the world. Let me explain.
Every morning my fiance and I take our dogs on a 4 mile walk down an old farm road not to far from our house. We love walking there because there is usually never any traffic so we can let our dogs off the leash and not have to worry about them getting run over.
Unfortunately, we have been seeing more and more trash on the side of the road everyday. It's really sad. So we decided to do something about it.
People don't have any respect for anything anymore, much less mother earth. They throw trash out the window and let it pile up on the side of the road and either expect someone else to clean it up or they just don't care if they ruin the beautiful landscape either way I find that disgusting! Especially considering there are garbage cans everywhere you go, stores, gas stations, apartments, and even at home, so there is really no excuse to toss it outside on the ground.
Anyhow, instead of getting mad or just ignoring it we decided to make it beautiful again so we cleaned it up this morning on our walk. It wasn't hard, we just grabbed a big plastic bag that we had from hobby lobby and picked up the big pieces of trash on our walk. It was annoying and dirty, but to be honest it made me feel real good even though I knew we would never get a thank you. It felt good because now we get to enjoy our walk more and we did something to help make the world just a little bit more beautiful! I call that a win-win!

(This is what we picked up just today!)
While cleaning up the trash I was thinking, if everyone grabbed one big bag and filled it up with trash this entire world will be so much cleaner and so much more beautiful without much effort at all! A little work with a lot of people goes a long way! So I decided that one day a week I will take the time to walk a new route and clean up trash, not because I have to or because someone is thanking me, but because I want to be the change I want to see in the world.
So here is my challenge to you.... Next time you are walking down the street and see some trash, don't just walk by it, pick it up and put it in the trash can.. That's it! That is all you need to do to help change the world and make it a little bit of a better place! JUST BE THAT CHANGE! I know its not your fault but make it your responsibility to pick it up, because if you don't who will?? Answer: NO ONE.
Lets all join together and make this world beautiful again, one piece of trash at a time.. Believe it or not the small things really do make a difference.
"Peace, Love and all that hippie shit"
The STEEM Engine

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